About Announcements.church: Simplifying Church Communication

Your Announcements Team

⏱ Total Read Time 3 Minutes

We know as a church leader you have a lot on your plate. That’s why we want to start by saying thank you for your time and for visiting Announcements.church.

We're a company made up of people who have spent years working in and around churches of all different denominations and sizes and as a result understand what it’s like to not have enough time in a day or in a given week to do everything you’d like to do, which is why we thought we’d help by providing a solution for at least one area of your to-do list.

Our Mission 🚀

At Announcements.church, we want to make things simple.

We live in an ever-changing world, Facebook one year, Tik-Tok the next, church apps, and live streams. One thing has never changed though, we all care deeply about being the best we can be and seeing everyone that our ministries come in contact with, flourish. That’s why we have small groups, mission trips, and VBS’s during the summer.

The problem is, communication can quickly get confusing if it comes from too many places. For example, church picnic sign-up forms on Facebook, small group information in the foyer, and missions trip information in expensive and time-consuming to make paper bulletins, etc

👉 Communication that comes at you from every angle isn’t communication, it’s just noise.

That’s why our goal is to streamline it all with weekly video announcements.

A study done by Forbes found that the average person spends 88% more time focused on a piece of content when they are watching a video as appose to reading text or listening to someone speak. They also found that 95% of people were more likely to remember a call to action after watching a video as opposed to 10% when reading the same thing in text format

Did you know,

that focus increases when people show video as appose to reading text on a page or hearing someone speak? Let’s play out what our church announcements usually look like.

Typically we want to get our information out to as many people as possible so we send off an email to the church secretary to put out multiple messages in the weekly paper bulletin, then the youth pastor posts something on social media, then the ladies' group and small group leaders make an announcement on a Sunday morning from the stage.

We think it’s great because we’ve covered all of our bases, the problem is, things get pretty unorganized pretty fast. There’s no rhythm. No flow. Probably no consistency. The resulting factor is that the people that need to get connected feel lost, and the people that could benefit from specific information get confused and are unsure of what to do next.

What would it look like

if everyone in your church was on the same page? What would happen if a few more people were plugged into a small group, or more people from your congregation started to attend your prayer meetings? What if their lives were completely transformed because of it?

At Announcements.church we want to partner and work hard alongside you to make sure that becomes a reality. See all announcements have their place, but it’s how they are presented, and where they are presented that makes all of the difference. Let’s look at an example.

Have you ever been around when someone shared an inside joke

that you were not a part of? How did you feel? What did you do? Well, if you’re anything like the majority you probably awkwardly laughed and had no idea what was going on.

In the same way, when we overshare information that isn’t relevant to the majority in our churches or share in ways that people glance at and then quickly forget (we’re looking at you bulletins) we’re not communicating well.

Just like an inside joke, people are not going to take the next steps that could lead to their life being changed or impacted because they aren’t included in what’s going on in the right ways.

At Announcements.church, we want to put the right information in front of the right people at the right time to help you and your church communicate the things that matter most. Because after all, we’re all in this together.

If there are any questions we can help answer, feel free to send us a message either by clicking on the button at the bottom right-hand side of the page or by sending us an email.

Grateful to have you 🙏
The Announcements Team